EBC Brakes 501 Brake Shoes 80x17mm
Includes Original Style Spring Set
High Friction Linings
Increased Efficiency
Asbestos Free Motorcycle Brake Shoes
EBC Brakes 501 High Quality Brake Shoes with High Friction Linings for increased efficiency. For use on the following models:
Yamaha Street Bikes/Scooters: MJ 50 J Towny (82 F&R), QT 50 Yamahopper (G/2G/H/J/K/L/N/S/T) (80-87 F&R), CA 50 Riva (K/L/N/S) (83-86 F), CE 50 (ES/ET) (86-87 F), CG 50 (EU/W/A/B) (88-91 F), SH 50 Razz (T/EMT/U/MU/W/MW/A/MA/B/D/MD/E/F/K/L) (87-94/98-99 F)
Yamaha Dirt Bikes: PW 50 (H/J/K/N/S/T/A/B/D/E/F/H/J/K/L/M/P/R/S/T/V/W/X/Y/B/D/E/F/K/L) (81-09/12-15 F&R)
Yamaha ATVs: YFM Raptor 90 RY (09 F)
Please see our Warranty & Returns Policy.